On the Fence about Selling your Home?

Have you been thinking about selling your home? Has your situation changed since you purchased, maybe your home no longer meets your needs? A home that’s no longer a good fit for one family can be another family’s dream home.

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 Home Too Small or Too Big

 Many consider selling their home As their family grows. When babies become teenagers, families commonly find they need a larger place. Multi-generational housing is attractive to accommodate aging parents or adult children moving back home.

 Empty nesters find keeping up a larger home after the kids are grown no longer suits how they want to spend their time. Maybe the pool or yard is too much maintenance.

 Financial Considerations

 Personal income ebbs and flows. So does the value of a property.  

Is there a big-ticket maintenance item on the horizon like putting on a new roof or HVAC system? Most residential infrastructure lasts about 15 years so it could make sense to move on before its time to spend real money on repairs and upgrades. A good realtor can advise on money well spent on improvements so owners can see that return on investment or avoid the expense altogether.

 Cashing in on equity is another good reason to sell. Home equity lines of credit and loans involve taking on more debt. Cashing in allows you to take advantage of property value appreciation.

 Personal Reasons

 As we all learned in 2020, life and priorities can change on a dime in many ways that have little to do with the size of the family or money such as work-related relocations or changes in commute times.

 People often move to be closer to family (or further away!) Grandparents may want to spend more time with grandkids or parents need a little help with a growing family.

 Residential preferences and requirements often change as people reach certain life cycle milestones or relationships change. Physical ailments could make it difficult to climb stairs, negotiate narrow spaces, or do yard work. It's often more expedient to move than to refit which can get very expensive.

 If you are thinking of selling your home, call us. We can help you understand your options and the best way forward to your next new chapter.


Call us to discuss pricing and next steps!

We do more than just buy and sell houses. We’ve got a team to help plan and organize the whole process, from pricing and advising on worthwhile repairs, to spreading the word on social media, managing safe showings, packing, moving and closing.

 Our phones ring every day with buyers, sellers, landlords and tenants looking to make a move. Call us or send us an email – we’d love to help. 828-817-1800, talk or text. hello@aroundtryon.com


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